Wednesday 11 November 2015

Ecology on the tracks

Graeme and team are delighted to announce that Naturally Wild has qualified as a provider for the Great British Railway Industry.

The Railway Industry Supplier Qualification Scheme (RISQS) enables suppliers with a fair and transparent way to be formally recognised as capable service providers.

Naturally Wild has qualified under the RISQS scheme (registration number 141479) and the team is looking forward to working on biodiversity and ecological projects with Railway companies in the coming year.

Graeme said, "With a proven long-term record in delivering projects in transport, including within the rail sector, Naturally Wild's registration within RISQS and our aim to self-sponsorship clearly demonstrates our commitment to the Rail Industry".

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Naturally Wild Education and Media

In the summer, Graeme and Jack formed a new business called 'Naturally Wild Education', which provides professional wildlife related training and education. This business has proven success in delivering education-based exhibitions and through these exhibitions, we help clients with their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

Naturally Wild Education also provides clients with access to our Digital Media - from video through to digital stills and the finished printed article – which can be used in CSR or other areas of their business.

As part of the education branch we have been in demand all year, providing expert knowledge and information to the press and media across the UK. Graeme has made numerous appearances on national television, mentoring a budding young ecologist (at the age of 13) and his passion for great crested newts, and also several spots on national radio and on a number of regional radio shows.

Our media gallery has been used in the press, with photography and film sold to Natural History authors. You can take a look at a selection of our work on our social media channels, which you can link to from our website.

New year, new staff, new premises

The existing team will be bolstered in 2015 with the addition of a number of key staff to meet the demands of a changing marketplace, and the evolution of Naturally Wild. Keep track of job opportunities with Naturally Wild on our blog and in the press.

Our Head Office is expanding and will provide double the space of the current premises. We will use the winter months to complete the move and train new office staff. Our postal address will be as follows:

Naturally Wild Consultants Ltd.
Unit 1 Stephenson Court
Skippers Lane Industrial Estate

A new satellite office in the south of England will allow for further expansion in that region, allowing Naturally Wild to manage projects locally in southern regions. Graeme has been busy interviewing staff to cater for this development.

All Naturally Wild staff will complete a rigorous training programme, with planned Personal Track Safety (PTS) certification and Individual Working Alone (IWA) for those team members working on Network Rail projects, along with a comprehensive review of CSCS training and First Aid Training. Ecological staff are also starting a new program of training as part of their individual development.

Preparing for growth in 2015

The Naturally Wild team has enjoyed a year of unprecedented success in 2014. We have undertaken ecological projects as far apart as the Highlands of Scotland and the very southernmost tip of England, and pretty much everywhere in between.

Although it has been exceptionally busy, we have always delivered for our clients on time, thanks to some exceptional teamwork. We have worked together to complete delivery of European Protected Species (EPS) Licences and NERC-linked projects for great crested newts, bats (including greater and lesser horseshoe) and a number of badger projects.

As 2014 draws to a close, we are preparing to build on this success in the New Year, with a number of new initiatives planned over the winter to ensure we are ready for 2015.


Wednesday 28 May 2014

A catch up over coffee

Well it's been a couple of months since our last blog entry, and this certainly hasn't been because there has been nothing to write about...!
Between an amazing, wildlife jammed trip to The Gambia, developing the brand spanking new Naturally Wild Education and delivering Wildcat Warrior Training days in between our usual hustle of spring surveys, there has been very little time to kick the wellies off with a coffee and ginger snap, and type up a few of the more intriguing Naturally Wild tales.
Over the next couple of weeks we will share with you the adventures, projects, species, expansions and ponderings that have taken up the majority of our days over the last couple of months, including;
  • An incredible trip to The Smiling Coast of The Gambia as an ecologist & student advisor with the University of Cumbria.

  • The development of our innovative social enterprise; Naturally Wild Education.

  • The delivery of our Wildlife Warriors Training Day to Acharacle Primary School; beautifully located in the centre of prime Scottish wildcat habitat!

  • Updates and photos of the projects & species we work with regularly.

We might also throw in...
  • Ponderings on some newly launched notions & campaigns to conserve wildlife and rewild landscapes.
  • Upcoming projects which you can apply to volunteer with!
In the mean time, why not have a look at our Facebook page and get involved in our group discussions. Or if you're on the edge of your seat & just can't wait to hear more about any of the above, give us a call or a quick email and we'd be happy to answer any of your questions.
We might even invite you in for a coffee and ginger snap...

Speak soon!
- Heather

Friday 7 March 2014

Welcome to the team, Jess!

We would like to introduce you to Jess Mitchell -the latest member of the Naturally Wild team who has joined us as an experienced ecologist. Jess started her role today by joint supervising the removal and installation of amphibian fencing on an on-going project in the North East, and is already proving herself as a valuable member of the team!

We think the growth of our team calls for a celebration, cake anyone...?

Welcome, Jess!
Jess's contact details will soon be available on the Naturally Wild website.

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Rehoming pipistrelles in Dumfires & Galloway

Today, Graeme and Phil have been on site in Dumfries and Galloway to supervise a building strip, prior to its demolition. This ecological mitigation was required in order for the project to obtain a European protected species licence (EPSL).

During the internal strip a roost of 10 common pipistrelle was uncovered; which Graeme efficiently relocated into a bat box which Naturally Wild installed in the surrounding woodland in advance of the works.

We are passionate about what we do, which is why we gladly travel the length and breadth of the country to ensure that the mitigation we advise for pre, during and post demolition works is appropriately selected and undertaken, with our full guidance and support.

These common pipistrelle were roosting in the cracks and crevices inside the building.